======[Resource Center 3] Upload the mininatures====== How do I upload my own mininatures in the Resource Center? Enter the [Resource Center] after you generated your own models. You will see your model will be automatically added in the Resource Center. Click on [Manage] to manage your model: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_01.jpg|}} Choose the model and move it to the Main Library: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_02.jpg|}} {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_03.jpg|}} After that, go to the [Main Library], click on [Manage] btn to upload it: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_04.jpg|}} {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_05.jpg|}} When you click the [Upload], the below interface will prompt out: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_06.png|}} There will be a cloud icon after you upload it: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_07.png|}} There are three stages when you upload the item. From left to right is: Uploading, Reviewing after upload, Uploaded successfully. {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_08.png|}} Click on [Add an Item] btn in the [Mine]->[Produc] to sell your item: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_09.png|}} The below UI will prompt out: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_10.png|}} 1.Enter the item name: 2.Click on the below btn to choose an item: 3.you can choose the Currency Type: 4.Enter the description about the item: 5.Click on the [Add] btn to add labels: {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_11.png|}} The resource just uploaded will enter the review period, please don’t upload any illegal thing!! {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_12.png|}} If you want to remove the resource from the shelf, you just need to click on it, and then click the [Remove from the shelf] btn to remove it. {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_13.png|}} It will show ‘Off Shelf’ when it is succeeded. {{:developer_center:developer_editor:resource_center_3_14.png|}} You can also click the [Back on shelf] to put the resource back on sell directly with any review period: