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[Resource Center 3] Upload the mininatures

How do I upload my own mininatures in the Resource Center?

Enter the [Resource Center] after you generated your own models. You will see your model will be automatically added in the Resource Center.

Click on [Manage] to manage your model:

Choose the model and move it to the Main Library:

After that, go to the [Main Library], click on [Manage] btn to upload it:

When you click the [Upload], the below interface will prompt out:

There will be a cloud icon after you upload it:

There are three stages when you upload the item. From left to right is: Uploading, Reviewing after upload, Uploaded successfully.

Click on [Add an Item] btn in the [Mine]→[Produc] to sell your item:

The below UI will prompt out:

1.Enter the item name:

2.Click on the below btn to choose an item:

3.you can choose the Currency Type:

4.Enter the description about the item:

5.Click on the [Add] btn to add labels:

The resource just uploaded will enter the review period, please don’t upload any illegal thing!!

If you want to remove the resource from the shelf, you just need to click on it, and then click the [Remove from the shelf] btn to remove it.

It will show ‘Off Shelf’ when it is succeeded.

You can also click the [Back on shelf] to put the resource back on sell directly with any review period:

developer_center/developer_editor/resource_center_3_upload_the_mininatures.txt · Sửa đổi lần cuối: 2023/11/06 20:04 bởi alien